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Max the

During my internship at Animax Designs, I was a part of the inaugural Intern Project, designed to be a learning experience for the interns in which they take an entire project from start to completion. Max, a "hillbilly mudpuppy from the Appalachian hollers", is our project, and I worked on him in collaboration with the intern cohort under the guidance of the phenomenal team members at Animax. 


In order to be inclusive of every Intern's skill set, Max was designed to have a mechanized left hand, which could move along the neck of his banjo, and a speaker system was installed within the drum of his banjo, so he could actually play his own music.


An image of the final puppet, as well as some images and a video from his making, are included below.

Max took a lot of work, but one of the trickiest parts of his build was getting his mech to work consistently. This video shows the moment of celebration when that was finally achieved.


I am operating Max in this video. Jamie Paisant (Mechanical Design intern) is holding the banjo prior to attachment and Nick Mascolo (Show Programming intern) is filming the video.

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